We Offer Both Residential and Commercial Pest Control
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When it comes to service, Hartz Pest Control offers state-of-the-art solutions.
Feel safe and secure knowing our solutions are implemented by experienced pest control professionals.
Pest Control experts recommend to home and business owners that after their initial extermination treatment, in order to keep their property insect free they should invest in a quarterly service schedule.
Our Technicians are Trained to Rid Your Property of the Following Pests:
From general pest control to more difficult to treat pests like bed bugs, termites and crazy ants, hartz had well trained pest technicians ready to provide effective extermination treatments that are both kid and pet friendly.
Crazy Ants
The crazy ant, a native of Asia, has become a familiar species due to world trade, and is now well-established in many towns and cities along the Gulf Coast of the United States. Crazy ants get their common name because the workers often run in a haphazard, or “crazy” manner.
Termites, Types in Houston and Surrounding Areas
Do you know what one of the biggest enemies of your home is? I’ll give you a clue. The answer isn’t burglars.It is in fact termites, and if you don’t keep an eye out, they can end up doing severe damage to your home and furniture. In recent years, the amount of termites living in America has shot up, and if you were aware of the damage that they are causing every single day you would be shocked. According to recent estimates by the National Pest Management Assoc, the amount of damage caused by termites every year, in America alone, is over five billion dollars.
Black Widow
These spiders bite, and their poisonous venom can cause concern especially for small children and the sick or elderly. Medical attention should be sought if bitten.
Brown Recluse
Like the black widow, their bite is cause for concern. The bite causes a severe systemic reaction that develops a crust and a surrounding red zone. The crust falls off; leaving a deep crater that may take months to heal. It is advisable to seek medical attention if bitten.
Orb weavers are capable of biting humans, but their venom generally is not considered dangerous. There is little need to control these beneficial spiders, as they do not enter structures. If their presence in the garden is unwanted they can be physically removed and killed.
Hobo (also called the Aggressive House Spider)
It is known to bite with little provocation. Its venom is cyto-toxic, and tissue death at the site of the bite will often cause a lingering open wound. They pose a definite human health threat and therefore need to be controlled when found living in structures.
These are beneficial spiders, and if found indoors should be captured and released outside. Prevention of flies and other insects indoors will reduce their food availability and cleanup of debris outside will reduce potential harborage sites.
Although intimidating, they are really fairly docile, biting only when they feel personally threatened. Their venom is not particularly dangerous. These are beneficial spiders, which feed on insects, baby rodents, birds and reptiles.
Very mobile, very fast, and very aggressive when threatened. They are capable of biting humans, but the venom is not considered dangerous.
Texas is home to four distinct species of cockroaches:
German cockroaches
Brown-banded cockroaches
Oriental cockroaches
American cockroaches
Each species requires a different approach for control and extermination.
Mice and rats are the most common rodents, they may gnaw through electrical lines and water lines, create holes in walls via sheetrock, baseboards and siding, and get into and spoil stored food. They also pose a health risk because they carry pathogens in their urine and feces, which they spread around your home as they mark trails and go about daily activities.
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs can infest any type of dwelling including private homes, hotels, motels, apartment buildings, hospitals, dormitories, nursing homes and others. They can also occur in gathering places such as theaters, laundry-mats, dry-cleaning shops, furniture stores and rental facilities, offices, buses and trains. The resurgence of bed bugs is likely due to a number of factors including increasing rates of international travel and immigration as well as changes in the types of pesticides used in modern pest control. Unfortunately, Cypress Texas is becoming a comfortable feeding ground.