What Are The Signs of Rat Infestation?
There are many tell-tale signs of rat infestation that every homeowner should be aware of to avoid a potentially serious problem. One of the first signs noticed are rat droppings. Usually, they’re in small concentrated areas. Rats can produce a significant amount of feces. One single rat can produce 40 droppings in one night and the droppings typically resemble a brown or black grain of rice. Another sign would be noises in the walls or around the house occurring around dusk and dawn, since rats are nocturnal animals. Rub marks, damage, and footprints can happen around dark and small spaces such as attics, behind the refrigerator, or a basement. Rats also love to create burrows. They can cave holes beneath porches and homes as well as create nests in crawl spaces or attics. Crafty and smart, rats can squeeze themselves through a hole as small as a quarter. Seeing holes this size around the perimeter of your home, the attic, or walls is a strong sign of infestation.
Why Should You Be Worried?
Two common kinds of house-rats can plague the Houston, Texas area; roof rats, and brown Norway rats- both of which can cause extensive home damage if the issue remains unfixed. In addition to carrying pathogens potentially dangerous to humans and pets, they can also bring other pests like fleas, ticks, and mites. Rats also breed quickly, and once they have become numerous, the process of removing them can become a trickier process. Prolonged rat infestation can also create expensive and sometimes permanent damage to homes and property. Rats are intense and persistent chewers, which means almost no substance is off limits. They have been known to not only damage wood and drywall, but also metal ducts and electrical wiring (which in some cases can spark a house fire.)
When to Call A Professional and How To Get Rid of Rats
If any signs of rats have appeared around your home, it’s time to call a professional. When dealing with elusive invaders like rats, having a professional who doesn’t only diagnose the issue but also comes up with a productive extermination plan is crucial. Hartz Pest Control is not only quick and convenient, but they also create a course of action to solve the infestation. If you believe you have rats in your home, contact Hartz Pest Control to learn more.